Zero Days is a documentary by the American director Alex Gibney, which picks apart the media scandal following the discovery of the so called ‘Stuxnet’ computer virus. The title Zero Days refers to the expression programmers use, to describe the occurrence of an unprecedented computer vulnerability exploitation. The documentary establishes through interviews and the discussion of political intrigue, how a piece of highly sophisticated code could become a real-life threat and could eventually lead to an ongoing, underground cyberwar.
After the movie, a lively discussion moderated by Prof. Dr. Herbert Bos (Systems and Network Security Group VU Amsterdam) ensued, which focused on the future implications of this insidious cyberwarfare and the paranoia associated with it.
Both, a highly-relevant political thriller and tale of cyber criminality, this documentary will leave you at the edge of your seat.
RATING: 5 out of 5 griffioens

Every second and fourth Thursday of the month, the Rialto cinema, in cooperation with the Cultuurcentrum Griffioen, show current, international movies at the VU (main building, lecture hall KC-07). The movies start at 17:45 and tickets (6€ for students) can be bought either starting from 17:15 at the door or online (https://www.vu.nl/nl/over-de-vu/cultuur-kunst/film/index.aspx ).
Image source: https://unsplash.com/