Exam week can be stressful, so let's dance and forget about our deadlines at the Amsterdam Dance Event!

Two articles in two weeks, what is this? Christmas? Well, from the lack of lights in the streets I wouldn’t say so, but give it a couple of weeks, November is already Christmas territory.
Anyway, we are still in October and one of those events that are marked with a cross in the calendar takes place this month: the Amsterdam Dance Event or ADE, a festival of electronic music and conferences, all over the city for five days, from the 17th to the 21st , almost nonstop, day and night, with DJs from around the globe.
Although I must admit that I am not a big fan of this kind of music, I was curious about the event itself. It was a shame that one of the most attractive concerts, in the basement of a former prison, was already sold out when I heard about it. So I asked a classmate and friend if he could suggest an interesting concert. I was lucky and it turned out that he is a big fan of this kind of music, so he asked me to go along with him and some of his friends on that Friday, and since you shouldn’t say no to experts, I went.
What we found there was nothing like what we expected. The concert was in the basement of a pretty smart restaurant close to the train station, which was possibly the last place where you would imagine it. Once you got downstairs, you found that the dance floor was a contemporary art gallery, but it was too empty for a free concert, around 40 people. I was really shocked, at least at the beginning but after a while one started to enjoy it because the DJs were good at mixing and there was enough room to dance - if you know how to – or to move your body, which is my case.
I really enjoyed the concert, but it is a shame that it happened right before exam week, when your head is mulling the essay that you need to write or the exam that you have to study for. It is true that it might help you to clear your head, but, still I don’t know, it may be a good idea to do it after the exams instead of right before. VU, can you do something about this for next year?
Good luck to you all with the exams!