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Introducing: Mrudula


Our newest blogger and master student, Mrudula, is introducing herself and telling us how she feels about moving to a new city and getting back on a bike! Enjoy the reading!

Introduction week

As the introduction week begins, students from across the world pour into the campus bringing with them their stories and own ways and this is my story, my name is Tatavarthi Mrudula and I am from India. I am going to be studying MA Heritage Studies at the Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam. My majors in undergraduate were History, Literature, Political Science. I, like most people, like binge watching TV shows/ web series/ movies in my free time (Indian, Korean, American). I also maintain an Instagram page for heritage buildings and nature, write poetry when inspiration strikes and read, enjoy and share memes.

Why did I come to the VU

My major here in VU is related to heritage buildings, their conservation and town planning. I have always been interested in architecture, I used to doodle floor plans in my notebook when I was in middle school and gape at beautiful old buildings hidden unless sought in Hyderabad. I also love good storytelling and interesting characters which resulted in my interest in history and literature. I never imagined that I could combine my love for history and architecture when I entered college. The course content set by the department of Erfgoed-studies in Vrije Universiteit showed me a possibility of a profession whose existence I never considered ! And imagine studying this subject in Amsterdam which is home to the UNESCO World Heritage Site of canal ring and Museumplein!

New in the city

Moving to a new city, especially to a different part of the world is very exciting and stressful, especially for someone like me who has never been abroad. In my case my excitement and apprehension have cancelled out each other and I come with a clear mind sans too many expectations or fantasies. What I do expect is to experience life as a world citizen with peers from all around the world which I think will help me broaden my worldview and get a better understanding about my subject which will help me further my career and teach me lessons that I can use when I go back home.

I am looking forward to visiting the Anne Frank House, the canals, and probably explore more of the city eventually and just go on a walk in the city centre and look at the city and it's people go through the course of the day. I want to explore the university campus, the VU cultural centrum and join extra cultural activities. I am also excited about cycling for in one of the most bicycle friendly cities in the world (although I am not as comfortable as I wish I was) and enjoy life on campus !

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